Security is one of your top priorities when you are a business owner. You have invested time, energy, and money into your business, which is why you must protect your investment by having the proper commercial locks installed. Sometimes this means you need to have your locks maintained or replaced.
When should you replace the locks on your business? A few elements call for replacing the locks on your building. Read on to learn more!
Business Security

As a business owner, you are responsible for many things surrounding the operation of your business. You need to keep your premises secure, protect your employees, and ensure that your inventory, equipment, and proprietary information are safe.
Nothing can feel more intrusive and troubling than someone trying to break into your business. One of, if not the primary, reason for break-ins and burglary is the opportunity. Thieves recognize a weakness in your security system and seize the option to enter your business and take what they can.
You can stop thieves from entering your building and endangering your investment. And it is easier to change or rekey your locks than it is to rebuild after your business is damaged. Your goods, employees, and visitors can be harmed in the event of a break-in.
Business owners in Plano and the surrounding areas could prevent break-ins from happening with some planning. Look at the following scenarios to see if any resonate with you.
You Have Lost Keys
We have all lost keys, but different repercussions are involved when they belong to a business. Whether you lost your keys somewhere, one of your employees did, or someone grabbed them with nefarious objectives, you or your company are at risk.
Even if you are positive you lost them somewhere (and someone didn’t steal them), you still can't account for all of the keys to your business. It is safer to replace the locks on your businesses' doors in case someone comes across your keys and uses them for personal gain.
Managing employee keys can be arduous, especially if you have a high turnover or you perpetually lose keys. In this case, it might be time to contact a locksmith and discuss a keyless alternative.
Keyless entries, such as key card or key fob entry, remote or mobile access control, or keypad entry, are convenient ways a business owner can control access to the property. You will be able to assign access cards or pins and revoke or add privileges as needed. It can also help you manage occasional visitors' access to your business, like vendors, cleaners, or contractors.
Your Business Is Moving
After your move to your new business location, it is imperative to change the new facility's locks. Changing locks might seem like the first thing you do upon moving, but with everything else that needs to be taken care of, the task can get lost in the shuffle. To be sure that you don't forget, add “calling your locksmith” to your post-move to-do list.
After you have arranged for a locksmith to change your primary locks, consider other locks that the locksmith should change in your new building. For example, they could change your interior office locks, stationary storage, computer or ATM rooms, or file storage door locks.
When you change locks, you mitigate the risk of former employees, contractors, or inspectors having spare keys to your business.
You Have Had a Break-In or an Attempt
If you have had the unfortunate experience of having a break-in or an attempted break-in, you should change the locks on your business.
After a burglary, your first instinct is to replace stolen items, but the first thing you should do is call a professional locksmith to change your locks. Potential burglars choose businesses and homes by opportunity. If you’ve had a recent break-in, the burglars expect you to reel rather than secure your business, and they are usually right!
If you fail to change your locks, thieves may attempt to return to the scene of the crime and break in again. If you have started to replace your missing items like computers, smartphones, and other expensive products that might need replacing, burglars can break in again and take them.
Not only will a change of locks keep your employees and business safe, but you are also ensuring that you are fixing locks that may have been damaged in the burglary.
Your Locks Have a Lot of Wear and Tear
Most door locks are relatively sturdy and long-lasting, but they do not last forever. After a great deal of wear and tear from everyday use, locks begin to wear out. Locks that have degraded due to wear and tear can act as a beacon for burglars. As you want to keep your business and employees safe, they really should be changed as soon as possible.
Check your locks for any signs of wear and tear, like a scratched or dented key entry area, dullness, and locks looking worn out or damaged in general.
If you notice your locks are starting to look degraded or aren't sure, call a locksmith to assess them.
Your Locks are Aging
Your business locks may still look decent, but that doesn't mean that they are the most secure option to keep your assets protected.
Lock technology has changed, even if you are using a physical key and lock system. You don't need to move to a more technologically advanced lock system if you like using a key and lock, but as technology changes, newer locks are more secure and will keep your business safe and sound. You may even want to consider upgrading your current locks at this time.
If you can't remember the last time you changed your locks, it might warrant a call to a professional locksmith to evaluate the state of your locks. They can suggest a more secure lock system, from keyed locks to a myriad of more sophisticated options.
Call a Commercial Locksmith
You protect your business with the locks you have on your doors. Your most important assets— your inventory, employees, equipment, or confidential information need protection against unwanted guests.
A professional locksmith like DML Locksmith of Plano can help you with the security you need for your business.
A good locksmith can increase your security by merely rekeying your locks or adding advanced security to your building.
Look for a locksmith with experienced, highly qualified, and trained technicians to ensure that your business is safe and secure.
DML Locksmith Services
2109 W. Parker Rd Suite 206
Plano, TX
(214) 622-8852